Seven Useful Custom GPTs for Product Managers (Handpicked by me)

An AI robot looking at a text saying Custom GPTs for Product Managers

Everyone these days is talking about Custom GPTs, the next hot thing within the fast developing field of AI. This is ChatGPT`s new popular functionality that enables the community to create limitless versions of Custom GPTs that put the model into all kind of different use cases and make them available for use by the general public via GPT Store. Custom GPTs are custom versions of ChatGPT created by the community of builders that combine instructions, extra knowledge, and any combination of skills. In a nutshell, they are created to serve a specific purpose and need – whether it will be a virtual maths tutor for your 10-years old kid, a bot instructing you on a board game`s rules or troubleshooting your PC, or helping you automate and complete a business task, possibilities are endless and only one`s imagination is the limit! The good news is, everyone can create a Custom GPT, provided they have a good idea – no coding is required.

As OpenAI stated in one of their announcements:

An announcement from OpenAI
Source: OpenAI
Custom GPT

ChatPRD performs surprisingly well for product documentation. It provides general guidance and advice to product managers, but first and foremost, it specializes in PRD drafting.
ChatPRD can review your existing product requirements documents and suggest areas of improvement along with specific examples. You can type in your kind of business, industry, product vision and goals, target users characteristics, as well as any other relevant information, and it will adjust its suggestions to align accordingly. Similarly, it can draft brand new PRDs for you, should you ask for such (of course, aligned with your product vision, goals and objectives). It will do it in a well-structured and easy-to-communicate way, while making sure product management`s best practices are being kept and adhered to. For example, ask it to draft a PRD for a new feature X for Y type of app (don`t forget to provide any other key information for the product and industry you might have), and watch it how it unfolds into a comprehensive document containing everything you need – from problem statement and business/functional/nonfunctional requirements to specific user stories. It will generate a highly personalized document that is tailored specifically to your case and which you can use as a template for your real PRD.

Of course, you can also use ChatPRD to adjust your product strategy, brainstorm product ideas, and to even tailor a product roadmap for your product. A powerful tool for any product manager!

This Custom GPT specializes in product roadmapping. All you need to do is to insert any relevant information you have on your product idea and it will create a roadmap for you from scratch. Of course, you are free to tweak things around and not use it exactly the same way as it draws it – remember, it`s all up to you and your common sense what from its suggestions you`d like to include and what you won`t even consider for your real product roadmap. Overall, I think it`s quite good starting point for your product roadmap creation process.
In order to come up with a roadmap for your new product, it asks you for the following information, based on which it will create the roadmap.

Another powerful functionality it offers, is the backlog grooming option. You can either provide it with your backlog items in plain text (by simply copying and pasting the items` details straight to your conversation), or export the backlog items you wish to groom from your Jira cloud (or other PM tool you`re using) and then send it to the bot as an attached file, preferably in Excel or CSV format, and it will do the work. It can add the necessary missing information from your individual user stories and make sure they are following the right predifined format and template. It can also provide you with guidance on defining certain aspects of the user stories you may feel confused about, such as helping you estimate the story points of an item, help you make up your mind on what priority it should be assigned with, suggest an acceptance criteria and so on.

Exemplary conversation on a Custom GPT for product management

One more thing you can experiment with is the Customer Development Interview. It can create a set of questions tailored to your product and target users that aim to test a hypothesis you have for your product. In case you plan to conduct such study, it can help you formulate and structure your questions in an effective way that aims to get you the most out of the interviews.

One of the most useful Custom GPT I came across so far. It can prepare comprehensive and on-point market research and analysis reports for you, summarizing the most important information that would otherwise take you hours of digging the web and various research papers to come up with. Of course, as with any other AI bot, I wouldn`t take everything at face value. It`s possible that it produces some inaccuracies and it`s always worth it to cross-check with other sources, but overall it`s a big time-saver, it gives you good research structure, guides you through the main points and provides you with key takeaways you can use to extrapolate even further. In certain cases, you can feel as the information is quite incomplete, but it also depends on your input and the way you lay out the question. Shall you ask for more details and be more specific, it can surely produce quite in-depth analysis.

Market Research Maven offers market research and market trends reports, analysis of consumer demographics, and it can also conduct a research on the marketing channels of different industries or brands. Here are some examples:


Custom GPT bot doing a market research for product managers
Custom CPT doing competitive research for SaaS tools

User feedback is crucial to any product. It provides you with valuable insights on what works well and what doesn`t from the user`s perspective. Remember, there are things that you, as the a product developer, aren`t always aware of and only direct users can see. Their feedback, reviews and complaints are the best source of identifying bugs, usability or other issues, as well as potential areas of enhancement. In fact, understanding their needs and preferences can and should dictate your product roadmap and feature prioritization. Successful companies build their products based on, or at least taking into account, user feedback. That is why, setting up a process of user feedback collection and analysis is a must-have, as well as regularly checking on your competitors` user feedback.

The User Research and Product Insights provides a comprehensive toolbox to make the whole activity of feedback research, collection and analysis easier, just as for your product users, so for your competitors` users. It gives you the ability to not only extract valuable insights on what people feel or think about certain products and apps, but also to identify crucial product-market fit gaps that haven`t been addressed so far and you can exploit. It does the whole data collection, categorization and analysis work for you. The feedback sources that are being used though are a bit limited and might not cover other very valuable sources of user insights. It is claimed that the bot uses information from: app store reviews, Google Play Store reviews, Reddit discussions, and Twitter conversations. Another drawback is that the information is not really up-to-date as it covers pre-existing knowledge up to April, 2023. Nevertheless, you can still use it as a good point of reference.

So, how it works? You can ask it to evaluate the user feedback for any particular brand or product. Once you do so, it will “crawl” its knowledge files containing pre-loaded data from the above-mentioned sources, retrieve brand-relevant user reviews and comments, attach tags and categorize them into separate types and groups of feedback. You`ll get an overview of the user feedback, structured into main categories and sub-categories, along with specific examples and what i find particularly useful – it will also generate suggestions and solutions that you can directly use to improve your product.

Here is an example of how this plays out in practice:

Exemplary conversation with a GPT for research and product insights

This bot is your go-to destination for matters related to agile project management. If you need guidance on how to implement Agile`s best practices (Scrum, Kanban, Lean), structure meetings, plan sprints, or you need certain templates for different types documents and reports, this is the right bot for you. As stated, it can help within the following areas:

  • Sprint Planning: Assists in planning your sprints, including setting goals, defining sprint backlogs, and estimating tasks.

  • User Stories: Can generate templates for user stories to help you clearly articulate the features and functionalities that your team needs to work on.

  • Daily Stand-Ups: Act as a virtual Scrum Master to facilitate daily stand-up meetings, prompting team members for their updates and helping to identify any blockers.

  • Burn-Down Charts: Provide guidance on how to create and interpret burn-down charts to track sprint progress.

  • Retrospective Agendas: Generate templates for retrospective meetings to help your team reflect on what went well, what didn’t, and how to improve in the next sprint.

  • Agile Best Practices: Offer advice on best practices for implementing agile methodologies like Scrum, Kanban, and Lean.

  • Pair Programming: Simulate pair programming sessions, offering tips to make these sessions more effective.

  • Backlog Grooming: Provide tips for effective backlog grooming to ensure your backlog remains prioritized and up-to-date.

  • Progress Reports: Help generate reports on team progress and sprint outcomes.

  • DALL-E Images: Create images that might be needed for presentations or documentation.

  • Web Browsing: Use the web browsing feature to stay updated on the latest agile tools, techniques, and trends.

Sprint Bot is a prove of how highly-specialized Custom GPTs the community has already come up with. This is an example of one more agile and sprint planning assistant available on the GPT Store, but its main differentiation is that it`s not based on some of the most popular and widely-spread Agile methodologies unlike most of the sprint planning bots (like Scrum, for example). Instead, it is built on the 5-day Sprint methodology laid by Jake Knapp in his book “Sprint”. That means, if you want to follow Jake Knapp`s principles for your product and software development, this GPT can facilitate you with the process and be of great help! 


Here is what you can do with it when it comes to planning and executing Jake Knapp`s 5-day sprint: 


  • Sprint Planning Guidance:
    • Help in selecting the right challenge for your sprint.
    • Advise on forming your sprint team with diverse skills.
    • Provide checklists for each day of the sprint, ensuring you’re prepared and focused.

  • Day-to-Day Sprint Structure:
    • Offer detailed activities and goals for each day (Monday through Friday) of the sprint.
    • Provide tips for effective time management and maintaining team energy and motivation.

  • Facilitation Tips:
    • Offer advice on how to facilitate discussions, manage time, and ensure productive brainstorming and decision-making.

  • Prototyping and Testing:
    • Guide on creating quick, effective prototypes.
    • Help design tests for your prototype to gather meaningful feedback from users.

  • Tools and Supplies List:
    • Provide a detailed list of all materials and tools needed for a successful sprint, from whiteboards to specific software recommendations.

  • Customer Interview and Testing Setup:
    • Advise on setting up and conducting customer interviews.
    • Help analyze feedback from tests to inform future decisions.

  • Post-Sprint Actions:
    • Guide on how to proceed after the sprint, including analyzing results, making decisions on next steps, and planning follow-up sprints if necessary.

  • Troubleshooting and Problem Solving:
    • Offer solutions to common challenges that arise during sprints, such as decision deadlock, low team engagement, or prototype issues.

  • Custom Sprint Advice:
    • Provide customized advice based on your project’s specifics, including adapting the sprint methodology to fit different types of projects or teams.

  • Learning Resources:
    • Recommend additional resources for deepening your understanding of the sprint methodology and improving your skills in running effective sprints.
Custom GPT bot for UX for Product Managers

Ux feedback can be a great assistant to product managers when it comes to design, UX and UI matters. Here is a detailed list of how exactly you can use it: 

  • Provide Specific UX and UI Feedback: Offer detailed, constructive critiques on user experience and interface designs, aligning with best practices from Nielsen Norman Group.

  • Evaluate Accessibility and Color Contrast: Assess designs for compliance with accessibility standards, particularly regarding color contrast, to ensure inclusivity for users with visual impairments.

  • Advise on Design Phases:

  1. For wireframes, focus on layout, user flow, and functionality.
  2. For high-fidelity designs, give comprehensive feedback on color choices, aesthetics, and visual appeal.
  3. For landing pages, suggest improvements for persuasive language, clear benefit presentation, and layout for better conversion rates.

  • Copy Clarity Suggestions: Recommend ways to simplify text for better readability and engagement.

  • Incorporate IDEO Best Practices: Apply IDEO’s user-centered design approaches for innovative solutions.

  • Guide Design Process Management with Propose using for efficient management of design processes, incorporating tools like Miro, Figma, and Moqups.

  • Recommend Best Practices for Components and States: Offer advice based on Nielsen Norman Group’s recommendations for UI components and states.

  • Check Responsiveness and Cross-Platform Consistency: Help ensure designs are intuitive and consistent across different devices and screen sizes.

  • Utilize User Testing and Feedback: Encourage incorporating real user feedback into design decisions at various stages.

  • Optimize Performance and Load Times: Suggest ways to improve load times and overall user experience through resource optimization.

  • Enhance Interactive Elements and Micro-interactions: Provide feedback on making interactive elements more intuitive and clear.

  • Establish Information Hierarchy and Visual Weight: Advise on using size, color, and layout to guide user attention effectively.

  • Ensure Consistency in Branding and Visual Language: Assist in maintaining brand identity and language consistency across all UI elements.

  • Broaden Accessibility Considerations: Address wider accessibility concerns, including keyboard navigation and screen reader compatibility.

  • Promote Sustainable Design Practices: Advocate for designing energy-efficient interfaces to reduce digital carbon footprint.

  • Ethical Design Considerations: Emphasize the importance of user privacy, avoiding dark patterns, and ensuring inclusivity.

  • Encourage Continuous Learning: Recommend staying updated with emerging trends and evolving best practices in UX and UI design.

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